Following two of the year’s most popular floral-filled events, Valentine’s Day and wedding season, Australia’s largest online retailer of delivered flowers and gifts has shared their secrets that keep the romance running.

Roses Only has released the top 10 creative ways customers continue to enjoy their gifted bouquets and flower arrangements long after their special or romantic occasion.

CEO Kelly Taggart says the company get inundated with both enquiries and suggestions from customers on how to repurpose their sentimental blooms.

“Flowers are a representation of something really special and they are also known as one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give, so it’s natural people want to bottle that up,” says Ms Taggart.

“It’s wonderful when we get feedback from someone who has done something creative and incredible with their wedding bouquet or the flowers they received for Valentine’s Day.

“We had one customer tag us in an image of a Roses Only bouquet that was beautifully pressed and preserved in a frame, these were flowers she had received for Valentine’s Day almost 20 years ago.” 

Roses Only says the most popular method of repurposing flowers is framing them, followed by pressed flower art, potpourri, resin jewellery and bath salts.

“Using Valentine’s Day or wedding flowers for pressed art has always been popular, but we have seen people branch out and create lovely bookmarks, cards and even phone cases,” says Ms Taggart.

“There are so many ways our customers incorporate their flowers into everyday items or décor and it’s not just the flowers they are preserving, but a special moment in time they want to remember.”

The company has revealed other popular methods of repurposing flowers include rose water, bath bombs, homemade perfume, botanical coasters and dried flower candles.

Roses Only top ten methods for repurposing flowers include:

10. Dried flower candles

9. Botanical coasters

8. Homemade perfume

7. Bath bombs

6. Rose water

5. Bath salts

4. Resin jewellery

3. Potpourri

2. Pressed flower art

1. Framed flowers

Roses Only brings together almost 50 years of retail and floristry experience coupled with a national operation employing over 300 people and 11 florist studios with local teams of creative, passionate people preparing and packaging beautiful same-day delivery orders.

For more information on floral gifts, please visit