Want to be involved with the Sasquatch Express? Are you a Journalist, SEO, or Agency wanting to get your posts out? You’ve come to the right place!

The Catch?

There is none! Sasquatch Express is fully funded by advertising and sponsorships from Tomedia Hosting. There is no signup fee or contract. You can freely post to this website (after approval) about anything and everything. We are a community-driven publishing website.

The benefits?

Becoming a guest poster for Sasquatch Express has its benefits.

  1. All articles get published to our social media networks. This is to increase exposure of your articles.
  2. Join a like minded community. Everyone posting on this website is posting either for the fun of it, or for their clients / small business. Everyone is welcome and everyone can take part.
  3. We don’t have post boosting, so all posts have an equal chance to reach the top.
  4. Posts are shared within our EDM network.
  5. We allow links in posts, we don’t enforce “no-follow” rules, however please make sure you follow Googles Guidelines


There are of course moderation rules and regulations for posting.

  1. The politics category is free for all political views and opinions, however anything deemed as inciting violence, hate, or discriminatory to any group (minority groups, religious groups, or based on race and creed) will not be tolerated.
    • Tolerated Post Example: “The problems with city design in Low Socioeconomic areas”, “The war is real, and these are the facts”
    • Non tolerated: “Why we should hate X people”, “X Politician should die, this is why” etc.
  2. Posts/articles should be meaningful and have purpose.
  3. Don’t keyword stuff
  4. Make sure your post/article is readable by a human. No AI generation or poor grammar.
    • We do our best to curate every article that goes through the website, so rest assured a human will read it. If we can’t read it we won’t publish it.
  5. Make sure headline isn’t too clickbaity. Sarcasm is fine, if it is obvious.
    • Fine clickbait: “Top tips for your health scheme”, “Aliens? The legend of the Egyptian Pyramids”, “Aliens rule the world? Nah it is actually big tech”
    • Bad clickbait (lying, or half truths): “This secret trick will cure your cancer”, “Doctors hate him! This Australian man has cured Covid-19!”,
  6. Use proper category placements
    • Writing about aliens? Or conspiracy theories? Please keep it in the “Urban Legends” category.
  7. Fake news
    • If it is an outlandish theory, source it
    • If it is about a world event, keep it factual
    • If it is medical, source the research (don’t just make claims with no evidence)

Any posts that breach these rules will be removed without prior notice, with no exceptions. Don’t agree, or think your post is in a gray area? Contact the Editor via editor@sasquatch.express and ask, the worst that could happen is we say no.

If I write an article, how long until it is posted?

If you have written more than 10 articles on our website, we will upgrade your account to allow instant posts. If you’re new to posting you will have to wait for our moderators to publish your posts. We aim to get this done as soon as possible. However, sometimes this is not achievable. Expect posts to be launched within 10 business days.

If your post hasn’t been launched in 10 business days, feel free to contact the editor with the post title so we can investigate.

Is there payment for posting?

No, you won’t get paid to guest post. But we also won’t charge you to guest post.

If you are a journalist and want to be paid by Sasquatch Express please email editor@sasquatch.express. However, we aren’t looking for any journalists at this time.

I don’t want to guest post but I have a media release

Send all media releases to editor@sasquatch.express and we will be in touch.

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to go, fill out the below form (after creating your account), and we will upgrade your account and email you. We will accept accounts ASAP, however, this process can take around 10 business days.

Don’t want to fill out a form? That’s fine, we understand! Please email editor@sasquatch.express with your name, email, business (if applicable) as well as your reason for signing up (what you will write about, if it is for clients or personal, etc).